Wednesday, January 29, 2014
I decided to choose a TED Talk by Ken Robinson titled “How Schools Kill Creativity” because I also think that schools create creativity and individuality.  When Robinson first came on screen, his posture seemed a little awkward, but his British accent made it easy to overlook.  I liked that he started how not only with a situation for the viewers to imagine, but he also made it funny.  Whenever I have to do a speech, I feel more at ease when I make something funny in the speech.   He also used a lot of stories that were relatable and easy to understand what he is trying to have the stories say.  His tone came off as informative with some sarcasm and humor.  He did not use visuals physically, like pictures, but he told stories with enough detail that the viewer could mentally visualize what he was saying.  He also used a lot of quotes.  Though sometimes his stories seem to go off topic, they actually bring up interesting points.  He talked about things that schools did to children that took away their creativity.  Schools punish those who make mistakes, so we have become afraid to fail.  Those who “fail” the education system by not getting a degree are considered to have failed at life.  Instead, those people are just learning in the wrong environment.  A girl who was always in trouble for not paying attention or sitting still in class was thought to have a learning disability; today we would say she has ADHD.  However, when someone suggested taking her to dance school, she thrived.  This video successfully shows how our current education system is ruining future generations in more ways than one.

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