Thursday, February 27, 2014

For my speech, I made sure that I was very prepared in what I wanted to say.  I made sure that I had a lot of facts and answered all of the questions to the best of my abilities.  I have had trouble talking in front of people for pretty much my whole life.  Though I am getting better at it, I still talk really fast. I could tell during my speech that my voice was kind of shaky.  I knew that I talk rather fast also, but I did not realize how fast until I saw my speech video.  I thought that I explained how I wanted to have the documentary structured but it may have caused my speech to sound like just a lot of facts about service dogs.  I feel like the more outgoing and comfortable around other people I get, the easier it will be for me to talk better and slower.  I am glad that even though I had a note card, I did not read directly from it and lose eye contact with my audience.  I usually just have it with me in case I lose my train of thought and do not just stand up there with nothing to say.  I also saw that when I try to remember what I want to say, I look up at the ceiling.  I try not to stand still too much, but I realize that I was too nervous to move from where I was standing.

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